Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You Can Always Rely on CTV Online to give Unbiassed (ha) Coverage of the Sealing Industry

Oh the power to generate messages and promote ignorance. CTV online has a story about Governor General Michaelle Jean eating seal, and saying that it is was delicious. Earlier today they used "Slaughtered Seal" in their headline, but have since changed it to "Gov. Gen. eats piece of raw seal heart in Nunavut". If the GG had eaten a hamburger would they say she was eating slaughtered cow? Oh well, CTV has helped out the cause of ARA's lots over the years, no surprise for them to keep injecting the word "inhumane" into related stories and surveys at their site. Today's poll is an example: "The Governor General's decision to eat a piece of raw seal heart was: (a) An appropriate gesture, or (b) Inhumane"

Despite the fact that all consumed meats come from animals that were butchered, and did not suicide or die of natural causes, and despite the studied-to-death consensus that the sealing industry is humane, some media still promote ignorance. Nice to see a person of grace like Michaelle Jean set an example like this, albeit it was only after all, eating meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Charles I just saw that tonight on CTV. All for there own interest and gain.