What, you say, could bring more tourists to our province? There is one certain answer, set up a Tim Horton's franchise. The first trial of this new plan is being tested at Signal Hill, and there are plans to set up similar attractions at rural and isolated but beautiful places in the province. Advertising will be cost effective - it will mainly be by word of mouth and by aroma.
Click to enlargeThere are critics though, The Daily Telegraph has condemned the idea saying that some other restaurant should be put on historic sites like Signal Hill, like Mr. Submarine, where they sell less fattening food. The Telegraph makes a great point - a healthier restaurant would send a better message to tourists.
Please tell me this is a joke.
well I am not sure what to think of Timmy's being there I think I would have to agree with the daily telegraph, But i think a great down home restaurant that caters to down home food, and heaalthy food would suffice.
I wish they had a Tim Horton's up here in Toronto that was on such a beautiful site. NOT A CHANCE LOL
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