None of NL's economic challenges will be solved overnight but credit is due this group for being interested in connecting with people in communities to ignite or re-ignite discussion about their futures.
Ray Johnson, known for his unique voice, style, accordian playing, and distinctly interesting accent, chairs the committee. He and the CLCC group are interested in rural Newfoundland and Labrador and learning about its possibilities. Those who live there, or have, or those who have ideas for rural areas are welcome to contribute their opinions.
The CLCC has posted seven questions to get people thinking:
1) What are the problems facing your community?
2) What potential do you see in your community?
3) How can the province’s new found oil wealth be used to benefit rural areas?
4) How important is culture and heritage to you?
5) How can our culture and heritage be protected or enhanced?
6) What business opportunities exist in your area and how can government help to make breathe life into these opportunities?
7) What is the state of youth in rural communities?
I would add another: Thinking slightly outside the box, what are the potential opportunities that might arise if advertising to potential tourists in Asia for example, were pursued. In British Columbia, there is already a huge Asian population, which might influence the Asian tourists, but in any case, there are very many Asian tourists who like to visit for sight seeing, and what the cities and towns have to offer. Newfoundland & Labrador might seem very exotic, open, clean, and much more easy going pace wise than what they are used to, therefore, a possible attraction angle. Just tossing an idea out there.
Summarizing long term potential for business ventures: who can get involved, what other local services and people could benefit. For example, if a group of Japanese tourists were enticed to visit the South Coast for a boat tour of the Coast during the summer season, what activities, souvenirs, amenities, services might they avail of while taking this excursion.
How about community/regional recycling? How about health education programs that promote more fit, healthier individuals. Health is the foundation of moving forward.
You can contact the CLCC in the following ways:
It’s website:
Via e-mail at
Or by mail:
P.O. Box 122
Lower Island Cove, NL
A0A 2W0
Aaaay thanks for the link Mr. C (I just thought of the Fonz for some reason)
We'll really have to get together and chew the fat. Interesting ideas, it's funny that we don't think of ourselves as exotic. I was just reading a quote in "The Big Why" where Rockwell Kent suggests to the local boy that the saltboxes houses of Brigus should have bigger windows looking out the the boy. The boy's response is that after all day on the water no one wants to look at it.
It's too bad we can't see what is beautiful and unique about this place without someone else pointing it out. There are a great number of people in the world who would love to see what we see every day.
That's the way far too many people still think of the place they live. Perhaps people wherever they live take their own "exotic" place for granted, until someone points out that others view it differently - it's probably universal. I no longer live in my small home town but always thought that it had potential in ways different from the traditional means of making a living. We'll chew the fat on it - always liked that expression.
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