A striking result of this election is the surge in the NDP representation in the House of Assembly, and in the popular vote in the province. From one seat to five is a major rise in Newfoundland and Labrador's politizicape.
One could relate the national NDP rise to the official opposition, and/or the American "
Occupy Wall St." movement, to a provincial rise in a feeling that yes, there are a great many who feel that current economic rewards are not fairly distributed in society. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer phrase is often repeated but unfortunately, there is a
case in point. The NL NDP has had a clear voice for the less fortunate, in leader Lorraine Michael. She has been a well-spoken, and sincere proponent for the political left.
Michael has been been re-elected, defeating a respected and former Auditor General John Noseworthy. It's a pity that he elected to run in her district, since his image of justice and trust, is perhaps one less such MHA elected to represent people of the province.
This election is not an earth-shattering election at this time, since there were other female provincial leaders, but it is the first time one was elected through an election in the province, and congrats to Premier Kathy Dunderdale for her personal efforts of achievement.
Well, she has the province's welfare to administer and direct while in term, and two major considerations are the province's debt, and the prospective economic potential of Muskrat Falls Hydro development, and/or a "fuller" Lower Churchill Falls development, including Gull Island.
An election campaign is only enough time for short optimistic visions that are mostly dreamy at the time. The reality sets in afterwards of how beneficial a major project/natural resource development is. Even this year, there are doubts about the economic benefits of the proposed Muskrat Falls Hydro-electric development is. The idea is nice - using a non-Quebec route to deliver the power, but really, there are major
doubts about the immediate and yearly provincial and personal benefits that this power plan will yield for people in Newfoundland & Labrador.
From this blog spot, Premier Dunderdale can still win favoritism by proceeding with caution on the Muskrat Falls development, and ensuring that the province will not lose out on future hydro development, which might include a more complete "Lower Churchill" (including Gull Island) development. People here will never want to see a Churchill mistake II.